Monday, April 21, 2008

Your own personal ad

A couple days ago my friends jokingly made a personal ad for me on Craig's List. At first it was a little funny because I knew they weren't being serious, but after I read it I was a little disappointed. Even though I knew their description of me was only half serious I really hoped that the way they wrote me wasn't they way they actually saw me.

I was a little annoyed because I would never put any of the things they included on my person ad. Which led to this thought, "What would I put on my ad?" Then this, "What aspects of my personality would I want someone to respond to? I mean I can't put everything about myself on an ad, that would be like writing a book and would require too much explanation. What about me do I want men to be attracted to? What kind of men do I want to attract?"

Having never actually written a personal ad I spent a great deal of time thinking this over and still I only have a little bit of an idea of what I would say.

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